Ringwall Barsberg

Barsberg Ring Wall

On the Barsberg near Bongard there is an area of around one hectare (10,000 m²) that was built on prehistorically. These buildings were protected by a ring wall; experts believe this to be an early historical complex (approx. 500 BC).

The ring wall consists of an outer and inner wall. The extremely favorable location for the construction of a ring wall system was on the volcanic top of the Barsberg, the highest elevation (600 m above sea level). Natural conditions were used and, if necessary, reinforced. The access was strategically created through a narrow climb from the west.

Remains of the foundation indicate that there was a watchtower to the south of the complex. Remains of masonry that have been found show that the structure was built without mortar - this means that the complex was built before 300 BC. Built in the 1st century BC, as mortar has only been used since then. Finds of coins indicate a period of 260-273 AD. The residents' water supply was secured with a well. It was filled with wood in the late 19th century. Experts date the ring wall complex to the Iron Age, although its exact function has not been conclusively clarified.

The complex has been a listed building since 1939. In addition, the top of the Barsberg has been designated as a nature reserve since 1939.

Highlights nearby

Hiking trails
near the prehistoric ring wall near Barsberg

As everywhere in the Vulkaneifel, we invite locals and guests to an exciting tour of times past near the prehistoric ring wall near Barsberg. Whether alone or with an expert guide - hike the region on one of the numerous hiking trails.

Further information about the Barsberg Ring Wall
