Eifel View Kreuzberg 54552 Schönbach
At the Eifel view Kreuzberg, 516 meters above sea level, you can expect a far-reaching view over the Eifel landscape all the way to the Hunsrück mountain ranges.
The Kreuzberg is a tuff and sand volcano from the New Era. Until the 1960s it was used as a millstone quarry and later for lava mining. Together with the Hummerich, it seals off the Schönbacher Valley in a northerly direction. Both volcanoes are among the older Eifel volcanoes and are probably well over 100,000 years old.
A cross of gratitude
The maar volcanoes that are still filled with water today are much more recent in geological history. The Kreuzberg has always been called “Kreuzbrich” - “Brich” for “break”. According to the story, the cross was placed on the summit to thank those returning from the Second World War. This tradition of preserving the cross continues to this day. Today the Kreuzberg serves to preserve the Eifel cultural landscape with its typical accompanying flora and microorganisms.